Sunday, 25 March 2018

Music Video | Analysing "Where is the love" - Black Eyed Peas

In a group of 3, we each analysed the narrative music video "Where is the love" by the band the Black Eyed Peas. We discussed the historical, cultural and social contexts of the video, as well as other relevant points.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Music Video | Contextual information

I have studied the following two songs; "Titanium" - David Guetta & "Unfinished Sympathy" - Massive Attack and created a table discussing the meaning of the songs/lyrics, representations conveyed in the music video, where it was set, historical/social/cultural events and media language traits. 

Sunday, 11 February 2018

TV drama | Deutschland 83' context & narrative

  1. Social - gender roles, racial and ethnic inequalities, social attitudes to sexualities
  2. Cultural - TV drama in reflecting culture, reinterpreting and reinforcing national cultural identities
  3. Historical / Political - knowledge and understanding of the influence of historical events 
Theoretical Framework:
  1. Audience - national/international representations, archetypal themes (original representations), differentiation in representations, how it targets different audiences
  2. Media Language - conventional characteristics, how it serves to decrease differentiation
  • cultural amnesia
  • the historical trauma of German division and reunification
  • difficulties faced by Germany and its people
  • political and military tensions
Narratology in Deutschland 83':

  • initial equilibrium consists of Martin's girlfriend, stable job and good family life
  • disruption involves the US president Ronald Reagan's escalation of the Cold War
  • theory limits its effectiveness in understanding complexing narratives
  • not designed to explain serial narratives like long-term dramas where climax and resolution are necessarily delayed
  • does not help to understand media television's tendency towards segmentation rather than linearity (multiple segmented storylines of some long-term dramas)
  • does not help to understand narrative strands that do not add to the narrative drive towards resolution, but establish characterisation, spirals out from the main linear narrative or creates cliffhangers
  • Lenora's equilibrium is Martin's disruption
  • Martin is seen as powerful in his job as a border patrol officer as he is seen from a low camera angle facing up to him and a high camera angle whilst he is looking down on others
  • Martin was laughing, having fun, is highly respected, was able to visit family and friends regularly with his life in the east
  • during the disruption of ep.1 the atmosphere appears to feel sinister and nerve-racking (seen in the choice of music, colour tones and expressions of the characters)
  • the ending does not properly provide an equilibrium again as the narrative theory does not fully apply (equilibrium is far away)

TV drama | Todorov's theory of narratology

Todorov's Narrative Theory:
states that most stories and plot lines follow the same pattern in 5 steps
  1. Equilibrium - a happy start where the majority of the characters are content and everything is as it should be
  2. Disruption - features a problem or drawback which will disrupt the happiness/optimism
  3. Realisation - when characters are conscious of the problem and its chaos 
  4. Restored order / Climax - individuals attempting to repair the damage and restore the complication
  5. Equilibrium again - the final part of the plot where the obstacle if resolved and normality can resume again
Todorov suggested that stories begin with an equilibrium or status quo where potentially opposing forces are in balance. A state of stability is followed by a disruption of the balance by some action, recognition of the problem takes place, there is then an attempt to restore the commotion and a reinstatement of the equilibrium. This is very common and can be applied to many mainstream film narratives. The human mind needs a narrative to make sense of things, we connect events and make interpretations based on those connections, in everything we seek a beginning, a middle and an end.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Music Video | Mainstream vs Alternative Music Videos

Mainstream music videos are usually located in urban, non-rural environments which are somewhat city based; for example the music video Massive Attack - unfinished sympathy which is set in non- suburban area. Mainstream videos use a narrative element of performance as well as an element of hardship as they use the diversity of all age groups, races and ages whilst the artist is performing as the main feature which is used for exposure.

Alternative music videos are more commonly set in suburban, unexceptional environment which is mainly based in the fringe/district; for example the music video Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia. The artist does not usually perform as it can consist of a narrative and a conceptual music video. In the music video, I looked at there was limited representation and diversity and most alternative music videos would have a sinister element to them.

The shaping of a media text through reference to another media text; some texts may refer directly to each other for example a remake of a movie or show, by reference to the original media text. This is influenced by the audiences prior knowledge of the said text.

Post-Modern Approach:
Text may show awareness of itself by paying homage (respects) to its original text.

Monday, 1 January 2018

Shelter Advert

The Shelter campaign uses a variety of techniques to persuade viewers to donate or raise awareness by spreading news, one of the main aims of Shelter is to provide homeless people/disadvantaged groups to retain living standards and comfortable housing. The campaign often uses similar approaches towards their target audience, one of which is the display of contact information on each poster which allows the viewer to find them directly and get into contact with their services whether it be for advice or donations, as well as using the letter 'H' in the title appear to look like a house which makes it obvious what the campaign is targetting towards achieving. Another consistent method is displaying a person, one who looks upset or dismayed to grasp the viewer's attention and make them aware of the difficulties some people are going through, the person is usually staring directly at the camera which creates the effect that they are directly asking the audience for help. The campaign also has a regular display of statistics, this brings the viewer back to reality and makes them realise how existent these problems are. Lastly, the colour red which is signified to relate to 'danger', 'seriousness' and 'pain' build effect on the audience by subtly revealing the harsh truth to reality. 

Evaluation Question 4.